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The 72h Water Fasting Guide

  • #Wellness

Water fasting is one of the noninvasive, natural lifestyle interventions with multiple health benefits. It is nothing new. In many cultures it is been performed before major celebrations and as part of traditional natural therapies for centuries.

In general, eating less often, in smaller quantities, and appropriate ratio of carbohydrates, protein and fats, is extremely beneficial. It is not only how human beings are designed to and used to feed themselves until a few decades ago but spares the entire body of a lot of work exerted during the digestion, assimilation and elimination processes.

The prolonged water fasting health benefits go way beyond energy and internal organs conservation, when done properly.

After eating, many physiological processes take place in the body. Generally, the complete digestion of a meal takes 3 – 4 hours. Then the body begins to consume the available energy reserves. However, only after approximately 24 hours the real magic begins: the cellular regeneration.

Phase 1: 0 - 2 hours after the meal: the blood glucose raises, the pancreas releases insulin to transport the blood glucose to the cells and turn it into energy.

Some of the blood glucose is used for energy production while the surplus is being stored as energy reserves for later. You feel normal, there is nothing special during post prandial hours – if the digestive system works optimally.

Phase 2: 2 – 5 hours after the meal: as an effect of post prandial insulin release in the blood, the blood glucose decreases, and it should not grow again at this level until after the next meal.

During this time the hunger sensation may appear.

Phase 3: 5 – 8 hours after the last meal, the blood glucose raises and stays within normal range.

You feel real hunger. Although the blood glucose raised and continues to be maintained at a normal level by the liver that burns the glycogen reserves stored in the liver, the hunger sensation reminds you that you have not eaten for some time. Do not worry, you are absolutely fine! Your body is using the first source of stored energy from the liver! You won’t starve and you won’t lose muscle mass! If you are lucky and deplete your glycogen reserves quickly, you may even begin to burn a few adipocytes (fat cells). Your body will continue to metabolize fat cells as a source of energy.

Phase 4: 8 – 10 hours, the switch to fasting mode

After about 8 hours from your last meal, the liver may have finished the last reserves of easily available energy: the glycogen stored in the liver. Thus, apart from the glycogenesis (turning glycogen from the liver into energy), the liver will also begin gluconeogenesis – turning body fat cells, instead of the now unavailable new carbohydrates, into energy. The adipose cells burning process intensifies.

Phase 5: 10 – 12 hours, a little glycogen left in the reserves

The glycogen reserves deplete. As a result, you may feel irritable due to hunger. But relax, it is a good sign that your body burns fat cells! The adipocytes (fat cells) will enter the blood stream, then be transported to the liver, where they turn into energy for your body and brain. The body burns own fat to survive!

Phase 6: 12 – 18 hours after the last meal, ketosis process begins

The energy is produced only from your own fat cells. After the liver already turned the glycogen into energy, it now turns the ketonic bodies into an alternative source of energy. Ketosis process is the cleanest form of energy production as it makes less inflammatory byproducts than from the fresh sources of energy (carbohydrates – that release reactive oxygen species – β€˜smokes’). It is considered beneficial for heart, blood vessels, brain, etc.

Phase 7: 18 – 24 hours, ketosis gets deeper

The longer you fast, the deeper ketosis gets. After 18 hours of fasting, the energy production from ketosis has a significant growth of up to 60%.

  1. Ketonic bodies level increases
  2. Ketonic bodies work like messengers to instruct your body to regulate better the metabolism, as it is in a stress condition (no external sources of energy).
  3. All anti-inflammatory processes and rejuvenation are ready to start.

Phase 8: 24 – 48 hours after the last meal, autophagia (self-devouring) process begins.

The body begins to clean its house. The healthy cells decompose the dysfunctional, old, defect/ abnormal cells (cancer cells), viruses, bacteria and other compromised or damaged cells. During this process the body restores and regenerates by producing new healthy cells, clean, and perfectly functional – a process essential for our healthy, renewal, surviving and thriving! The main benefit of autophagia is that the body turns the clock back and creates new young cells.

Phase 9: 48 – 56 hours after the last meal: more growth hormone!

The growth hormone (GH) level is much higher as before the beginning of the fasting period due to the production of ketone bodies and secretion of ghrelin (the hunger signaling hormone related to the lack of protein during the fast). The GH assists protein synthesis process, muscle mass growth, cardiovascular health improvement as well as RNA synthesis.

Phase 10: 56 – 72 hours after the last meal, the insulin sensitivity self-regulates!

The insulin is at its lowest since the beginning of the fasting period. This will make your cells more sensitive and receptive to insulin. This is an amazing benefit if you are at the risk of diabetes, or you already have this condition.

Two and a half days of water fasting will not cure diabetes but will increase insulin sensitivity and make it work more efficiently. From this point on, the blood glucose regulation will be better, with a correct and balanced nutrition.

Low level of insulin triggers many health benefits short and long term, such as: autophagia activation, inflammation reduction, regulation of pancreas and liver functions as well as cholesterol regulation.

Phase 12: beyond 72 hours – survival of the fittest

Your body activates cellular survival processes and recycles immune cells which are deteriorated when they fight viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens. To replenish immune cells, the body regenerates old immune cells in a record time. The immune system regeneration begins and turns the immune cells into an auto-renewal state. Your immune system becomes very strong. The mechanisms of cellular differentiation become stronger and hence the faulty/ abnormal cells (cancer cells) multiply with more difficulty whereas the healthy cells thrive! The accelerated destruction of cancer cells starts in the autophagia state but reach its peak after 72 hours of fasting. Hence the highly praised benefits of water prolonged fasting amongst cancer afflicted people.

There is a resemblance of the stages of fasting and the symbolism of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ - the intense hunger sensation (death-like) to the cellular regeneration and renewal (rising). Perhaps the recommendation for 3 days water fasting before Easter is not random.

Irrespective of its spiritual connotations, water fasting, when done correctly, has many health benefits. It is not supposed to replace a healthy diet and lifestyle in general, but rather complement them at carefully selected times in the year.


Although the human design allows for prolonged fasting periods, water fasting is not for everybody. Please consult with your health provider before you begin it. Those with hyperthyroidism should be extra cautious and ask for medical advice and supervision during the fast.

Drink a lot of water. The body will require more water to process fat cells. You will feel thirstier than during non-fasting periods.
